Monday, October 3, 2011

Towns 0.25 released


Towns 0.25 has been released.

- Add: Campaign mode
- Add: Main menu options
- Add: Moddable dungeon generation
- Add: A mill, flour, new tree
- Change: Added [BLANKLINE] code to menu.xml
- Change: .xml generators cleaned (using "dice" function instead of varMin and varMax)
- Change: New folder for graphics
- Change: Separated textures for buildings, living entities and items
- Fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements

- The campaign mode content it's still in development. But modders can change anything they want.
- With the moddable dungeon generation modders now can decide at wich levels they want dungeons, and what kind of monsters appear in it.
- To build bread now it's necessary flour sacks. Flour can be obtained from the mill.

Hope you like it!
