Sunday, July 3, 2011

Towns 0.12 released


I just realesed Towns 0.12

- Sleep time at the beggining of the game changed a little to avoid mass sleep
- Grass cells now doesn't drop clay at 100%
- Stone cells now doesn't drop stone (raw) at 100%
- Added more CPU time to A* search (reducing the pathfinding time)
- Hungry citizens now search food wiser
- If width/height declared in towns.ini match with desktop resolution, full_screen it's set to 'true' automatically
- Added depth to river
- Cells with fluids are shown when you discover a new level
- Added dungeons (no monsters and no items yet)
- Added an error log file (error.log in main folder)

Click to enlarge.

This release it's ready to download in the left panel. Hope you like it.



jakeread1 said...

Looks cool, has a lot of potential!

Supermalparit said...

Thanks jakeread1.